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13. The Art of Happy Mothers Day


I drive my kids nuts, but hey that’s a mothers job, keeping them safe and out of danger.

Happy Mother’s day to all you wonderful mothers and being one is the most fantastic gift but at the same time a guilt ridden curse.  It was hard enough when they were little but at least then I was the boss and could tuck them safely into their beds at night and keep the monsters from the door.  Now I need a Lear jet and an Uzi to be of any use.

This Painting is one of several artworks I have painted over the years on the trial and tribulations of motherhood. Having a family is very inspirational for an artist and this acrylic on canvas painting is called ” A Mothers work is never done”.

naive painting by Marie Jonsson-Harrison called A mothers work is never done.


Just had a call from my baby boy Kai, well baby boy is a bit much he would say, after all he is 23.  Funny though I know that, but he will always be my baby boy and I will probably be annoying him and his sister till I die, with various warnings of imminent danger just as I have done now.  I wonder if my imagination and worry is worse because I am an artist?

You see he has just called from Sweden in transit to London, and as you know they have had a terrorist attacks there, never mind that said baby boy has been living and surviving perfectly fine in London for the last 10 months or the fact that his’ imminent doom preaching mother’ takes us all off to Bali nearly every year for a holiday.

But oh no, that does not count, I am there to protect them.  Like Darth Vader against a terrorist bomb, that’s me! Then there is the volcano to worry about, he already had his flight to Sweden cancelled for a week.  Let’s not forget there is also swine flu, Pick pockets, the Bangkok riots, sitting no further that 7 seats from an exit on the plane, drink spiking and gangs with knifes!

( our family is the 4 people on the right on the detail of the painting below)

Oh grow up girl and get a grip, I know I should, but my children are so precious, bad enough with baby girl here in Adelaide, I know I drive her crazy too.  Poor baby girl 19 years old now and still having to text her mum after every car trip to say she is safe, never mind the fact that one could get ones eye poked out with a sharp stick (lol that was always my ARTIST dad’s warning too, as soon as me or my brother did anything remotely dangerous).

The Swedes have a very good word for my behavior and that is “Mesar” which is a bird in Sweden that is known as a little coward, wimpy, so that’s what an overprotective mother preaching excessive caution is called!

So Mums take a deep breath and enjoy your day, relax, permit yourself to get pampered and forget about the worries for one day.

Oh Bugger I wish I could….my baby boy is still in transit, London-Bangkok-Adelaide, I guess I will have to wait till next year……

Here from Douglas Pagels book “30 Beautiful things” -a thought, I wish for all of you.

May trouble, worries and problems never linger; may they only make you that much stronger and able and wise.  May you rise each day with sunlight in your heart, success in your path, answers to your prayers, and that smile – that I love to see – always there in your eyes.

Love Marie xxx

( Thanks Sonja and Jimmie )

Happy painting and sculpting to every one and a Big Happy Mothers Day to Nanna and Mormor and all of you too xxx

Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALEGICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES.  Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.


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