What’s that all about, why should we listen to them?
Don’t we as adults always know best? Sad to say, lol that I discovered probably when my daughter was around 4 years old that this was not the case. My son who is 4 years older than her, always accepted that we, the parents knew better, however our daughter challenged us on every occasion and boy I am glad she did.
We learned a lot of valuable lessons from both of them, and the one that stands out the most for me is listen to them, pay attention, we can learn and awful lot, not just about them but about ourselves and the world around us. Certainly also about technology, how many of us enlist the kids help when it comes to dvd recording, computers and the like.
So just the other night I had conveniently forgotten this fact, (Listen to your children), as I was showing my darling daughter the new art business card I had designed for myself.
You see I have been making my living rather successfully as an artist for the last 20 or so years painting, making sculptures and thought I was pretty good at graphic design too, when I was quickly taken down a peg or two.
Oh! Hillivi did it ever so gently but she did not like my card one bit, and guess what she was so totally right. I had niggling doubts too myself in the same areas that she pointed out. Although my first reaction was to defend my position, well that’s like a reflex isn’t it? None of us like to be told – however I soon came to my senses and realized she was completely right. So here is the front side of my card designed by my talented daughter Hillivi.
She is currently doing a nursing degree and also a model in her own right with a front cover of this bridal magazine.
She obviously does know more, as she was booked to do her first cover 2 weeks after joining her Agency, whereas her mother had to wait a year for that privilege many moons ago.
Here is another quote that I like this time by Walt Disney, whose drawings and cartoons are also favourites of mine.
“You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.”
Till next time, happy painting and sculpting to you all!
Love Marie xxx (c)
Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALE, GICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES. Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.
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