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Tag Archives: social media
Yacht Callenge at Hindmarsh Island dressed up as the Sopranos

228 This week on SOCIAL MEDIA in Art

SOCIAL MEDIA This has been a busy week in the art studio as usual, still I try to post at least one post every day on social media to keep my profile up and also to have fun and interact with my lovely friends both from real life and new made in cyberspace! If you […]


145 Art Lovers & Artists Unite

FAVORITE ARTISTS Have you been wondering why your favorite artist, whether it is visual art, singer, band, writer, photographer or whatever page you have already LIKED is not showing up in your HOME page anymore. Well the reason is simple since facebook was listed on the stock exchange and did rather worse than expected they are now […]


22. Kicking and screaming into the 21st century & Art

ARTISTIC INSPIRATION How fantastic the internet is!!! Oh it’s probably all ho-hum to you lot, but you see I am a real newcomer to this.  My Husband/Manager Bryan has been looking after my old art website and anything electronic since forever and I swore black and blue that I was just not INTERESTED and did […]