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Tag Archives: acrylic on board painting


THE ART OF THE PARTY Well what is all that about I hear you say, and yes for the uninitiated it does sound quite weird and have gotten many people in trouble and I have to point out, even me now as recently as Saturday night, lol. You know how you wake up the following […]


119 Redback and the Cure & Art

FAMILY JEWELS AND ART The day before Australia day, hubby comes in from the backyard and says “I think I just got bitten by a Redback, something crawled up my shorts and a minute later I saw the spider crawl away” With hubbys track record lately I was starting to fear for the “Family Jewels” […]


115 New Years Eve & Painting

PAINTING OF NEW YEARS EVE So here it comes again, New Years Eve 2011, seems only yesterday that we were ushering in 2000 never mind the 10 in between.  How does that happen?  Where did all that time go, you tell me because I haven’t got a clue! This acrylic on board painting “Happy New […]


108 Other Plans & Art

LIFE IMITATES ART Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans, is what John Lennon said and he was so right. This acrylic on board painting is one I did for the son of Jim from Elders Fine Art Gallery when he was recuperating after a car accident called Bandaid […]