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Category Archives: Art Exhibitions
photo of a jazz band playing at the opening of the Naive exhibition in Copenhagen, Denmark

220 BODY PAINT and The Festival of Arts

FESTIVAL OF ARTS & BODY PAINTING Today I thought I would share with you some of the pictures taken at Danish art exhibition in Copenhagen, Denmark.  The naive paintings show is at the Galerie Knud Grothe and on until the 4th May. This acrylic on board painting below is called Viva La Nudie Rudie which […]

invitation to Gallerie Knud Grothe, featuring painting by artist marie jonsson harrison

218 European Easter Art Exhibition

EUROPE ART EXHIBITION This Saturday the 12th April is certainly a celebration for me, not only is it my gorgeous daughter Hillivi’s birthday it also is the opening of another art exhibitions with my art in Europe. GALLERIE KNUD GROTHE It is with the very prestigious gallery in Copenhagen, Denmark called Gallerie Knud Grothe and […]

wall based sculpture made from 100's of aluminium discs covering a fish shape made from hebel and wood with artist marie jonsson harrison


ART FESTIVALS For an artist Adelaide in South Australia is a wonderful place to live, it is a buzzing metropolis for the arts with various festivals and exhibitions and excitement.   We just manage to get over Christmas and then it starts again with the Adelaide Fringe which is the largest annual arts festival in the […]


201 The OUTSIDER Art Exhibition

THE OUTSIDER EXHIBITION Each year before the Christmas season starts outsider artist Stefan Maguran as project manager organizes an outsider festival, it is and always has been a love affair of Stefan and his wife to which they have had to make sacrifices along the way to keep it going.  They believe it has been very […]


184 ART NAIF, 6th naive art festival in Katowice

ART IN POLAND As the date is drawing closer the organizers for this year’s Naive Art Festival in Katowice Poland are busy as bees setting up the new exhibition which opens to the public at the SZYB WILSON Gallery on the 15th June and runs until the 18th August 2013. It is again pulled together […]



NAIVE ART FESTIVAL IN POLAND I am frantically painting away in my studio trying to meet the deadline for the Naive Festival in Poland.  Normally I can pretty much concentrate on my work but lately life, the universe and everything has gotten in the way.  Oh and I will write a blog and tell you […]


“The Outsider – Outsider Artist Debate”

ARTISTIST LABELS Funny isn’t it this thing about being pigeonholed, fitting in under a banner or label.  Well I guess if truth shall be known I have never really fitted in anywhere with anything – always been a bit rebellious and found my own way. DECORATIVE ART So why should anything be different now with my Art […]


141 ART NAIVE FESTIVAL 2012 Katowice Poland

NAIF ART Even during this economic downturn in Europe the members of Fivan, Szyb Gallery and Jacques Dubois particularly, has manage to pull off the impossible – another successful Naive Art Festival in Katowice, Poland.   As this exhibition is continuing into August I sincerely hope that you will try to some and see it. This […]


140 ART n BED

PAINTING ON BEDDING Finally I can share with you my exciting news; my artwork is now available in a bedding range with ARTnBed which launched in New York this week and available throughout the USA. ART FOUND ON THE WEB It all started in October 2011 when I was approached by Mr Lior Rapaport an […]


125 Gallery M and Salt

ART GALLERY SHOW This was from an art exhibition opening at Gallery M here is South Australia  called The Demise or Otherwise of South Australia’s Gulfs, curated by Save Our Gulf Coalition.  Over ninety artists had been invited to take part and a number of them are high profile.  The diversity is enormous and with […]