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Category Archives: Art Exhibitions

106 Outsider Art Festival

GICLEE PRINT Look out the Outsiders Art Festival which opens next week in Adelaide.  This is an annual event organized by Stefan Maguran, who calls himself an underemployed artist and Project Manager. This Giclee print “Expose yourself to Art” is one of my pieces which is included in this show.  The original artwork was done […]


94 Sala ART & Stars

(photo courtesy The Plains Producer, photographer Lisa Redpath) SOUTH AUSTRALIAN LIVING ARTS FESTIVAL The Sala Festival or South Australian Living Artists Festival as the acronym stands for is just that;  a showcase for us artists that are not dead yet!  LOL, so that’s a good thing right, a club well worth supporting for as long […]



NAIVE ART FESTIVAL One of the most important festivals for Naive art is currently underway in Katowice, Poland where until August 17, you will be able to see more than 190 naive artists from all over the world and 40 of the artists participating are from Cuba this year.   Cuba is this year’s guest country […]


78 A Cup of Tea and a Lie Down & Art

GREENHILL ART GALLERY This acrylic painting on canvas called “Teaotalers Club”, is one of two paintings that I have just finished and delivered to Greenhill Galleries here in Adelaide. TEA POT ART SHOW The show was called “The great Teapot Show” and the brief to participating artists said the aim was to create a varied […]


64. Art & Flying to Japan (continuation of Signing the Contract)

ART EXHIBITIONS IN JAPAN At this stage I had signed with the Japanese Art gallery and then spent one year painting like crazy. This painting “If I could turn back time” was one of the artworks that the Japanese Gallery wanted to see in real life before we signed the contract and it was sent […]


57. Art & Signing the Contract

ART CONTRACT I had been painting for about 5 years when my gallery in Melbourne called me to let me know that a scout for a Japanese gallery had been in to see them and were very interested in showing my artwork in Nagoya. This painting depicts my Qantas flight over to Nagoya in Japan […]


24. Noodles Anyone – painting

COUNTRY ARTS I had so much fun painting this painting “Noodles Anyone” which depicts Francis and Putu , a couple who run this fantastic restaurant in the small mid north town of Burra called White Cedars Indonesian  Cafe and Gallery. ART & BALI It is the last place on earth that you would expect to […]