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Tag Archives: Centenary of Federation Gateway

128 Sculpture and Women

PUBLIC SCULPTURE These 2 images are from the” Centenary of Federation Gateway” sculpture which I was commissioned to design and make by the Wakefield Regional Council and took some 18 months to complete.  The whole town came on board and helped and we had art workshops both in schools and other locations.  These panels stand […]


121 Volunteers our Backbone – Public Sculpture

PUBLIC SCULPTURE As promised here is a bit more about The Centenary of Federation Gateway sculpture, this time I want to tell you about the wonderful community spirit that helped to make this project possible. You may want to recap to Stories of the Wall, to see main structure of this sculpture, although images of […]


109 Stories behind the Wall – Public Sculpture

PUBLIC SCULPTURE These images are from “The Centenary of Federation Gateway” sculpture which was commissioned by the Wakefield Regional Council and took some 18 months to complete.   It started as a seed planted by Dale Gathercole and grew into an amazing community project. Prior to this I had been awarded a mentor-ship grant jointly by the Australia […]