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Tag Archives: Paintings Blog

79 ART & You and Me and Bunny makes Three

ART & EASTER Happy Easter to everyone and I hope you are all having the loveliest of times wherever you are and whatever you are doing. This acrylic painting “You and me and Bunny makes three” was one I painted many years ago when I first started out as an artist.  I have always been […]



ARTISTIC WEDDINGS There are weddings and then there are good weddings and I went to one of the Great ones just recently, and no not conducted by a magpie like in my naive painting here!   Now I may be biased as this was my darling nephew (who is just the coolest guitar playing guy […]


29. Religious Paintings

PAINTING SUBJECTS As you may have figured out by now, I do like to paint just about everything, any subject matter, most of the time colorful and busy. I am often asked about my religious scenes like the one here, Noahs Ark.  Am I religious – well, I do hope there is an afterlife, I have […]


22. Kicking and screaming into the 21st century & Art

ARTISTIC INSPIRATION How fantastic the internet is!!! Oh it’s probably all ho-hum to you lot, but you see I am a real newcomer to this.  My Husband/Manager Bryan has been looking after my old art website and anything electronic since forever and I swore black and blue that I was just not INTERESTED and did […]


17. The Jail Bird in Alcatraz (the last bit of the San Francisco tales)

ART & TRAVEL If you have just joined my art blog recently, you may want to check out numbers 6 &7 in the Blog archive for the start of the San Francisco travel tales. You can’t go past the wit and wisdom of Oscar Wilde who quotes; “It is an odd thing, but everyone who […]


15. The Art of The grass is always greener

FRINGE FESTIVAL We went out to dinner recently with some close friends, to Enoteca in Adelaide which I highly recommend. There were 9 of us and afterwards we went and saw the Ukulele playing, Lady Carol at the Garden of  Unearthly Delights for the Fringe Festival and the whole night was such a treat.   […]


11. “SMOKEY” The Chip eating sheep Art blog

PAINTED PICTURE OF THE COUNTRY As a lot of you know by now we live on a farm, although recently we have reduced said farm’s acreage substantially.  However it is and has been a wonderful place to live and for our children to grow up on, and with so many tales to tell. The farm […]


9. Bike ride over the Golden Gate Bridge & ART (continuing tales of San Francisco)

MORE ART BLOGS On this detail below from the painting “I love San Francisco”, you can see Golden Gate bridge and here is a link to the whole artwork and the art blog called 6. San Francisco where this tale begins,followed by 7. More tales from San Francisco and if after you read this and still want […]


5. Childhood memories through the eyes of my son with Art

MIDSUMMER PAINTINGS When I wrote this Art Blog my son Kai was working and living in London while on his gap year from uni.  Whilst there he decided to follow his roots and visit my birth country and home for the first 14 years of my life; Sweden. Here is one of my paintings on […]