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Category Archives: Food & Art

195 ART & What makes your blood boil

CERAMIC AND MOSAIC SCULPTURE Today I am going to share with you an article from the Sydney Morning Herald by Andrew Woodhouse, the column in question is called Heckler where readers are invited to send 400 words on what makes their blood boil.  I found this article to be very funny and poignant in this […]


183 CAKE ART and artistic expression

ARTISTIC EXPRESSION One thing I am absolutely sure about and that is that everybody are artistic in their own way and the key to that sentence is “in their own way”.  Too much emphasis is put I think on what art is and what has merit and what doesn’t. Cooking, baking and cake decorating for […]


103 Everyone wants a bargain & Art

THE ART OF THE BARGAIN Scoopon,  Cudo,  Our Deal and Catch of the Day are all the rage here in Australia – and what exactly are they one might ask?  Well it works something like this.  These website offer an item or a service at a special price,   often more than 50% discount and if […]


85 Art & Birthday Treat and long Pockets

THE ART OF BIRTHDAY FUN Oh I already know that I am just the luckiest mum in the world with the two loveliest kids you could ever ask for, that said this particular story is about Baby girl (still call her that even though she is 20 now, you will find her in a lot […]


83 Art & Are you fond of Fondue

CERAMIC AND MOSAIC I had so much fun making this ceramic and mosaic artwork piece, firstly because I am a little piggy when it comes to food and just love to both eat and look at pictures of food and also it was fun to make the people all have open mouths with bits of […]


73 The Art of Snack attack at hungry jacks

THE ART OF FAST FOOD Isn’t it a drag that we can’t just eat whatever we want and not put on weight! This ceramic and mosaic artwork “Snax attack at Hungry Jack’s” was a delight to make.  I do love food, although for the most part I do eat healthy, I too dream about all […]