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183 CAKE ART and artistic expression


One thing I am absolutely sure about and that is that everybody are artistic in their own way and the key to that sentence is “in their own way”.  Too much emphasis is put I think on what art is and what has merit and what doesn’t.

Cooking, baking and cake decorating for instance can certainly be an artform, no I don’t mean the vegies and mash, lol but if you have watched the Master Chef series or any of those cooking shows so in vogue now you know what I mean.  Some of those dishes are just too good to eat, real artworks.

painting of kittens and a chocolate cake with kiwi fruits and strawberries

Painting cats and cakes


The cake in this painting “You can have your cake and eat it too” pales in comparison to what you can see offered by the fantastically artistic chefs around the world.  I must say though that I was absolutely thrilled by the surprise birthday cake that my darling daughter made for my recent birthday.  A real piece of art it was “Pigs in Mud” was the theme and as I am rather partial to pigs and have collected pigs for years it was a fitting cake indeed.  I have even painted a painting with the same name although I didn’t say mud but used the word s…, here is that painting and the artblog if you fancy a look 33. Art & Dont worry be happy

photo of a cake decorated with little pigs and mud using kitkats and marsipan

Happy as a pig in Mud cake!


To me art is about the “doing” “the pursuit”, so whether that is whilst painting, sculpting, drawing, ceramics, china painting, photography, doing mosaics, singing, acting, writing, playing a musical instrument, knitting, crocheting or cooking doesn’t matter.  Whilst we may argue about what is art and what craft is or what is good or bad, it seems to me that the goal posts shift according to time and fashion of the day.   I mean really could the Sex Pistols have sold a million records in the 40’s – I don’t think so and what about a digital art – imagine just 20 years ago asking thousands of dollars for something you can only see on a computer or TV screen.

puppy made from flowers and installation 13 meters tall by Jeff Koons

Puppy made of flowers by Jeff Koons


What about installations then, some artists are paid millions of dollars for what looks to the rest of us like a pile of firewood or rubbish in a heap.  So I think where I am going with this is don’t be afraid to express yourself in whatever way you desire.  As long as what you are doing is not hurting anyone else and you enjoy the journey, whatever other people think about your artistic expression really is irrelevant as long as you are passionate and fulfilling your dreams.  So go for it!


Jeff Koons is a good example of an artist not afraid to come from the left field and do something unconventional.   His artwork Tulips sold for US$ 33,682,500 and Jeff holds the title of the highest auction price paid for a work by a living artist.  I love those tulips which are  in highly polished stainless steel and then plated in beautiful colors and whilst they are in a medium traditionally used for sculptures Jeff explores many other mediums too.


Another one of his works that I really loved was the installation “Puppy” which he was commissioned to make to coincide with Documenta 9 in Germany, not as part of that exhibition but nearby, by 3 art dealers.    It was a 13 meters tall topiary sculpture of a West Highland Terrier puppy all made in a variety of flowers.  Some of those flowers included were Begonias, Impatients, Petunias, Marigolds and Lobelias and all attached on a chrome stainless steel structure in the shape of a dog.  This artwork was then dismantled and reassembled for a time at the Museum of Contemporary Art at Sydney Harbour, Australia.

stainless steel sculpture of Tulips by artist Jeff Koons

Jeff Koons with his artwork called Tulips


Here is a quote to think about which fits in with not just art but life in general by an unknown author;

“We are each burdened with prejudice; against the poor or the rich, the smart or the slow, the gaunt or the obese.  It is natural to develop prejudices.  It is noble to rise above them.

Till next time happy painting and sculpting and maybe cooking to you.

Love Marie xxx

Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALE, GICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES.  Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.

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