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Tag Archives: photographer

58. A Lifetime of Pix – Photography

EXHIBITION OPENING We had a most interesting weekend recently.  I had been asked to open an exhibition for my dear friend Ted James who was celebrating 50 years of being behind the lens of his trusted camera.  It was held at the Rustons Rose Garden and Convention Centre in Renmark, South Australia. This Artwork Sold […]


50. Not a trout pout in sight in Art

ARTIST & MODEL Wow had an awesome night and got to bed at 3.30 am a little worse for wear!  So today I have to use my face as the canvas and paint on a pretty face not in my normal naive art style though! Last night was the Model Reunion for one of the […]


48. Art in a Surprise Package

THE ART OF FRIENDSHIP You know sometimes you meet people and you just love them right away and wonder why you just haven’t been friends forever such inspirational people both for paintings and art blogs and life in general. That has just happened to me-I have just met a couple of new friends,  I guess the […]