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This painting Balloon Wedding is one of my favorite artworks and is available as a Giclee print these days. Often bought as a wedding present which brings me very neatly to the wedding we attended on the weekend and also to the topic of opposites attract.  I love painting wedding scenes and going to a good wedding, well what can I say I am a party kinda girl!

acrylic painting of a hot air balloon wedding by outsider australian artist marie jonsson-harrison flying over a sea of colorful fish in acrylic

The perfect Giclee Print for a wedding gift


It was a beautiful occasion on the foreshore of Goolwa South Australia, the ceremony in a garden setting beautifully decorated, the only colors prominent being white and the lovely bridesmaids in pale yellow set against the green green color of the grass and trees. The bride; Stacey, Hillivi’s best friend had never looked lovelier with her hippy free flowing hair and in a stunning sparkly one shouldered dress. The day was full of wonderful memorable touches such as the bridal party arriving at the reception by boat and then going with the beachy feel we had to find our names on a colored thong (flip-flop shoe) and then match it to the one in a clear vase on the tables. Original and fun, relaxed and very Aussie beachy feel, we partied until midnight and had a great time. Thank you Eva and David and thank you to the beautiful Stacey and handsome groom Brad too and we wish you an amazing life together.


One thing I know for sure and that is you will not be bored together, for as often is the case, opposites attract. I can see that Brad is the steadying force, planning ahead and thoughtful, to Stacey’s exuberant, full of fun and vivaciousness.  Isn’t that just so often the case that we are drawn often to the qualities that we lack ourselves or that we only possess a little of. It is like the Universe has already decided for us to make a complete unit we need all the elements together as one. My own marriage is much the same although I probably have a little of the crazy thrown in as well but I plead artistic license on that LOL. The same is clearly evident in my daughters relationships and it is also rather fitting that for Hillivi’s 21st birthday Stacey delivered a very funny speech – most of which I cannot repeat here for risk of my daughters wrath. However I will share with you how Stacey described their first meeting and also her being instrumental in introducing Hillivi to her boyfriend Brett;

acrylic painting of a hot air balloon wedding by outsider australian artist marie jonsson-harrison showing the detail of the bride,groom and the priest

Bridal Party detail of the painting


“We met when we were around 5 years old and Hilly and Kai had come over to ice gingerbread biscuits at Christmas time. At that age we didn’t understand the underlining reason for us kids to be playing together until later when we realize it was an evil plan of our mothers forcing us to be together just so they could brag about their daughters being best friends with another Swedish girl.

I’ll admit it definitely wasn’t love at first sight for me as it was for Hilly….who locked eyes with my little mermaid handbag as soon as she walked through the door. This was our one and only serious fight we’ve ever had. We didn’t see much of each other after that as we parted ways, until the first day of high school came round and we were both hassled by our mothers to find the other Swedish girl once again. Conveniently we were placed in the same home group. Our love blossomed but it was very early on that we realized that we were the complete opposite. Hillivi liked everything pink and pretty, doing her music and drama lessons, makeup and hairstyles and already talking about boys. While I was one of the boys and had no idea what mascara was? However we became inseparable.acrylic painting of a hot air balloon wedding by outsider australian artist marie jonsson-harrison showing the bridesmaids


Hillivi and my cousin Brett will always have me to thank for their relationship! I introduced the lovers to begin with and played an active part in getting them together from organizing catch up days with Hilly and giving Brett the tip-off where she was. To taking Hillivi to tennis and football games and where her interest in these sports somehow came about after meeting Brett is anyone’s guess? I know what you all thought and still think about these two…how do they make it work? They are the complete opposite and to this day I still can’t tell you. It maybe because Brett has a secret love for fashion, hair, nails and the Kardashians? Or is it because Hillivi has a secret love affair with John Deer farm machinery, wife beater singlets and sculling jugs of beer?”


So what is it that makes your own relationships work? I would be very interested in your thoughts and points of view?

I think the jury is still out on the subject so here is a quote along those lines by an unknown author;

“Opposites attract but the like-minded last”

Till next time happy painting and sculpting to you all. Love Marie xxxx

Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALEGICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES.  Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.

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