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29. Religious Paintings


As you may have figured out by now, I do like to paint just about everything, any subject matter, most of the time colorful and busy.

I am often asked about my religious scenes like the one here, Noahs Ark.  Am I religious – well, I do hope there is an afterlife, I have so many people that I would so dearly like to see again.

Is there a heaven and will my loved ones that died before me be waiting for me ?     Oh I truly hope so.  Well if that is what I hope, what about God and Christianity and all the other religions?

Noahs Art depicts all the animals on the ark in a Naive and colourful way by artist Marie Jonsson-Harrison


My belief is that all religions play a part and all have more similarities than differences.

To me it doesn’t matter whether your beliefs are of the Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhism, Catholic or any of the other Christian flavours.

We are all people of the world and ideally we should care for each other and help each other.  I do think the 10 commandments make sense and try to live my life in ‘doing unto others’ and all that.  Sometimes I fail but I do try to Pay It Forward, small kind gestures that make this world a better place.

So to sometimes paint a scene from the bible gives me a sense of peace.  I will have to familiarize myself a bit more with the other religious books as I am sure they also have very rich and interesting material for new paintings, sculpture and artworks in general.

Here is a thought from one of Douglas Pagels books, which I like.

You have the ability to..

Follow your heart.

Trust your instincts.

Listen to the song that sings in you.

And let your spirit Dance to that tune

I hope you will visit me again.

Till then happy painting and sculpting to you all.

Love Marie xxxx                                                                     (c)

Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALEGICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES.  Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.

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