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30. Moggy Fontain Painting, and the Melbourne trip


Just a few days after baby boy came home from Europe we all flew over to Melbourne as one of our Godchildren were turning 21, and what a beautiful girl she has grown up to be,  well perhaps I should say always was, as she started modelling as a baby and never really stopped.

We have shared lots of time over the years with the Burns family but my favourite funny moment was when our son Kai and Saasha were playing hospital as little children, and Saasha lay down on the floor and declared that she was a LITTLE bit DEAD.  Lol,- Out of the mouths of babes.

Naive painting of a ballet dancing cat, called Moggy Fontain,by artist Marie Jonsson-Harrison


This painting Moggy Fontain was bought by them for their second daughter Tarrah who is a fantastic Ballet Dancer presently in New Zealand where she won a 3 year position at the New Zealand School of Dance.

Their son Tristen is very talented as well and dances, sings and acts in various shows around town and recently appeared in Home and Away.   Anyway we had a fab time at the Cowboys and Indians themed 21st birthday party.

But what I enjoyed the most was that we were all together again us four, and boy did we have fun, as we always do.


For some reason we spend more time belly laughing than anything else.  You know that deep in your gut laugh where you lose control, well if you were in Melbourne a little while ago and spied a tall family of four, doubled over laughing that was us! Lol

Outside of the Melbourne museum Perth based artist Bennett Miller had built a smaller scaled set of the United Nations Commission as an Art installation, for the Next Wave Festival called Dachshund UN.

In this performance “artwork” there were 47 sausage dogs that took part and formed the delegates, speakers and interpreters of the UN Human Rights committee.  It looked so funny, the dogs were all different types of sausage dogs;  short , long and wired haired, black, brown and reddish and some were constantly barking, while others whimpered or sat quietly whilst others were bored and some could be found napping- just like the real thing really. The detail of the painting below is one of my own Sausage Dogs.( Melbourne tales to be continued)

Here is some advice by Hermann Hesse (writer) that the real UN Human rights Committee should perhaps take.

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go”

Till next time happy painting and sculpting to you all!

Love Marie xx                                            (c)

Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALEGICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES.  Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.

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