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Tag Archives: artist Marie Jonsson Harrison

224 LIBRARY ‘ONE CARD’ with artwork in ceramic and mosaic

ONE CARD FOR THE LIBRARY I was really thrilled to be asked if the image of one of my Public Sculptures could be used on the new “One Card” system (interconnecting library card for borrowers).  The SA public library “one card” network is connecting the systems of more than 130 public libraries across South Australia […]

photo of artist and model marie jonsson harrison and hillivi harrison, burnside village, mothers day fashion parades

221 The ART of Modelling for Mothers Day

ARTnBED This photo was taken for ARTnBED and features my painting “The True Colors of Hindley Street” which was chosen for the launch of the ARTnBED in New York.  It also features us – mother and daughter together modelling and that was lots of fun to do.  It is something my daughter Hillivi and I […]