140 ART n BED
PAINTING ON BEDDING Finally I can share with you my exciting news; my artwork is now available in a bedding range with ARTnBed which launched in New York this week and available throughout the USA. ART FOUND ON THE WEB It all started in October 2011 when I was approached by Mr Lior Rapaport an […]
107 Girls Night Out in Art
THE ART OF HAVING A GOOD TIME Oh the 1980’s – I remember it well, those Girls nights out. Well some of it at least although I have to admit through a glass colored by gin and tonic or champagne. Those were the days when I could party all night, sleep for an hour and still attend […]
3. Living in the Seventies Art
ARTIST WEBSITE So here I am again, talking to myself lol, or maybe you, if you are out there somewhere. So my artist website is finally up and running after its initial crash and then what seemed to be an eternity whilst it was being redesigned by Powwow. And they did a very good job […]