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Tag Archives: Nadine Williams

110 Artists Lunch

DISCUSSING ART On Tuesday this week it was my very overdue turn to have “The Artist lunch” at my house.  You see a bunch of us have been meeting every now and then for the last 20 years, getting together over a good meal and some drinks and talking shop!  Well not just about art, […]


101 From France with Love in Art

SELF PORTRAIT This painting is a self portrait of me a couple of years ago when I had viral meningitis,(that itself is another story)  but what I want to focus on is the book that I am reading in this acrylic on board artwork, this painting which was bought by a psychiatrist  funnily enough.  Anyway […]


24. Noodles Anyone – painting

COUNTRY ARTS I had so much fun painting this painting “Noodles Anyone” which depicts Francis and Putu , a couple who run this fantastic restaurant in the small mid north town of Burra called White Cedars Indonesian  Cafe and Gallery. ART & BALI It is the last place on earth that you would expect to […]