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Todays travel and art blog continues on from 166. Rondellhund, Roundabout dogs Sculptures as we finished a great smorgasbord spread in the Rondellhund factory.  So if you should want to catch up on the travel and art blogs leading up to this point in our recent Europe trip here are the links;  156. ART & FREQUENT FLYER POINTS and 157. Art & Never judge a book by it’s cover and 155 The Art of Packing Light and 164. ART, TOILETS AND TRAVEL


After dinner we were taken to my Aunty Lillian and Hasses little red cottage for coffee and cake, it was lovely to see it and three of my paintings hanging on their wall which they had purchased when I had a Swedish art exhibition some years ago in the South of Sweden.

After a nights rest we were picked up by Aunty Lillian and Hasse again to go for a sightseeing tour around both Huddinge where I grew up and Spanga, Solna and Sundbyberg where my mum and dad lived and went to school many moons ago.

naive acrylic on canvas board painting of vegetables growing with a duckpond and ladies tending to the gardens and black and white cows watching on

Artist inspirations by childhood memories

First we visited the house that my father built and that I lived in from age 7 until 13 and we were very kindly invited inside when we were found lurking, lol outside taking pictures of the front of the house by the owner.

Lol, we could have been undesirables casing the joint but the lovely owner trusted us and it was fantastic to see my childhood house again.  My dad was way ahead of his time in building it with lots of fantastic features that still looked modern today, among them a great big slate fireplace in the middle of the room and a marble tiles floor in the entrance hall leading into the big room with a parquet floor.  The kitchen had not stood the test of time unfortunately and a new one had been put in and in the backyard the pergola, potter’s wheel and my cubby house were long gone, as were the gate to the neighbour’s yard as they had moved long ago taking with them their 3 kids, my playmates.


The next stop was a little tricky emotionally – we were going to visit my Grandparents graves.  I was very very close to my Mormor and Morfar (as Grandparents are referred to in Swedish; Mothersmother and Mothersfather, that way no one is ever confused as to which sets of Nanna and Pa’s you are talking about!)

Last time 30 years ago when I visited their graves I was a total wreck with the grief and hurt so raw that I had been dreading going back.

My cousin Berit had arranged to meet us there and had bought a beautiful flowering rose for me to plant on their grave which we did together.  What I really appreciated this time around was the beauty of this graveyard.  It was beautifully looked after with trees, bushes, flowers everywhere.  The paths continued on through from the graveyard meandering in a picturesque setting to where my Grandparents had maintained a little Summer house (Kolonistuga).   These miniature cottages of one or two small rooms each are set out like a tiny little town on small plots of land with lots of vegetable and fruits growing and a communal park area for parties and Midsommer celebrations.  Swedes who live in apartments buy or rent these types of cottages as place to get away during the summer and potter in the gardens and feel one with nature.


The inspiration for this  acrylic painting called “The Good Life” no doubt comes from my childhoods memory of seeing all the vegetables, flowers and fruit my grandfather grew in his little garden, whilst my grandmother rustled up delicious food all the while telling funny stories and laughing lots!colorful vegetables and fruits growing in a beautiful garden with ladies tending them and 2 cows watching them and ducks in a pond in a naive painting

So this area was so full of wonderful memories of my childhood and I really felt at peace with the fact that my Mormor and Morfar were no longer alive but that their spirits were still here and so very much part of this place for me.   They were actually buried in the absolute best possible place for them.   If I looked up to my right there were the Rasberrymountains where their apartment had been and on the other side of the graveyard was Lotsjon; a small lake that my Grandfather and I always walked around feeding the ducks and birds.


All of us were then treated to a lovely lunch by Lillian and Hasse in this gorgeous little Grona Stugan (Green cottage restaurant) that was next to the lake with all the ducks.  So atmospheric and beautiful my heart was filled with happiness and grateful for the wonderful childhood I had experience with the most loving and caring Grandparents ever and also felt so cherish by the lovely relatives sharing this day with me.

So I think this quote by an unknown author fits well here:

“There are things that we don’t want to happen but have to accept, things we don’t want to know but have to learn, and people we can’t live without but have to let go.”

I wish you all a beautiful day, month and year and happy painting or sculpting or whatever else gets your fancy.

Till next time,

Love Marie xxx

Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALE, GICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES.  Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.

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