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In this weeks travel and art blog I thought I would share with you an article written by Andrew Fenton for the SA Weekend Magazine which comes out with The Advertiser every Saturday.  His column is called “Wiseguy” and that suits him to a T, as he always has a wiseguys slant to his answers, with his tongue firmly planted in his cheek I would imagine when he gives the general public his advice.
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This animation of my painting of my trip to Japan to attend my first art exhibition there has been animated by my friend Susan Flashman, if you fancy reading about that adventure here is a link; 57. Art & Signing the Contract and 64. Art & Flying to Japan (continuation of Signing the Contract)


I do always enjoy reading this supplement to our Saturday paper as it is most of the time full of Art and Culture in all its different forms.  Anyway this week’s column starts with the question from P.D at Murray Bridge asking;

I have a fair bit of trepidation about taking my first 27-hour flight.   Do you have any advice?

Wiseguys answer is as follows; “Yes I do, thanks for asking.  To prepare myself for international flights I like to undergo a few dry-run simulated training exercises in the months and years leading up to the journey.

Essentially, I lock myself in a tiny cupboard with my obese friend Nigel and stare at a low resolution portable DVD player from 2001 while watching old episodes of Friends for hours.  Then I neck a bunch of sleeping pills and just as I’m nodding off I get my wife to shout out irrelevant facts about my height above sea level through a megaphone, and randomly open the door every 20 minutes to shine a harsh fluorescent light in my eyes or to thrust a crying baby/ready meal through the door.

This exposure therapy somehow helps alleviate the night terrors I’ve experienced ever since I was assigned a seat in the passive smoking section of a Garuda flight in 1999 which saw me completely wired, awake and sweating for about 36 hours from absorbing the equivalent of 400 cartons of nicotine through second-hand smoke.  But anyway there’s no need to be nervous about your flight.”


As I have spent a lot of time over the years on airplanes firstly as an international model flying around on assignments and then later as an international artist exhibiting around the world and not forgetting a love of travel in my spare time too, I can really relate to all of that.


Flying to Art exhibitions in Japan

All so true,   however at the same time I really do like flying.  I find it is the one time that I can truly relax.  It is difficult to do too much more than; read, watch movies, TV shows and listen to the radio, eat, drink and sleep.  So I usually totally unwind, well in-between getting poked and prodded by the people behind, squished by the person in fronts reclining chair and climbed over by the owner of a small bladder that is.  Oh the joys of flying!

Here is a quote by Gil Stern that I think fits perfectly here;

“Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society.  The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute.”

Till next time happy painting and sculpting to you all, oh and flying of course.

Love Marie xxx

Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’sPAINTINGS FOR SALE, GICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale orWALLBASED SCULPTURES.  Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.

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