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200 Naive Paintings & Thailand here we come!


Just got back from our holiday in Thailand, a very memorable trip for lots of reasons, both good and bad!  We did of course see some beautiful flowers and monkeys as you can see in this naive acrylic flower painting as well as many other things.  Pairing this painting with my blog is to calm the waters a little before the storm so to speak.  So many inspirations for me to paint and sculpt in the future, even the not so good things will make funny paintings.

naive painting of flowers in a blue vase with orange backgrouns and monkeys on a black boarder by artist Marie Jonsson Harrison

Painting flowers and monkeys in naive style


I first heard about Phuket the amazing Thailand party town during my modelling days in Europe.  At that time my favourite getaway places were Ibiza (an Island of the coast of Spain) and Bali which I frequented lots.  My intentions had been to get there earlier but something always got in the way, life generally – but now finally we were on our way.


On the plane to Sydney to catch our international connection the airhostess told us all over the loud speaker that the Sydney time was quarter to 11 and we all put our watches back.  As we had a couple of hours to kill we got coffee and planned our lunch and then were going to do a brisk airport walk around to get the exercise quota in too.  Just by chance a sloppily handwritten boarding time got us talking about the time and as we now had several different times on our tablets, watches and phones we decided to really check and my goodness lucky we did!  The airhostess had made a mistake; the clocks should have been put forward half an hour and our plane was boarding now and not in an hour’s time and we still had to go through customs!!


We had booked great seats on the plane and happily saw that there didn’t seem to be any babies within the vicinity, well that must have been an optical illusion as very soon 3 little ones materialized in close proximity all in fine voice.  All 3 babies took turns to scream their lungs out for the entire 9 hour trip, so loudly that not even the earplugs whilst watching movies would drown them out.


Now I am starting to wonder about this trip – what else is going to go wrong, lol.  Well we arrive at the airport and are met by a friendly driver in a nice car, so far so good.  However he then turns into Mr Roadrage for the next 45 minute drive to Patong Beach and was within a centimeter to having a high-speed accident.

selfie,artist marie jonsson harrison and hubby at Mya Bay, Phuket, Thailand



We finally arrive at Hotel Bliss overlooking the beach within walking distance to everything!  The reception seemed OK and so it should be, as we had checked the TripAdvisor thoroughly and this hotel was highly recommended.  However what we did not know was that there was an old part and a new part and guess what – we had a room in the old part!  So we got taken through old mouldy walkways, a lift and corridors that had seen better days to our room which was a major disappointment.  The only thing it had got going for it was that it was clean but otherwise very poky and the piece the resistance for me was the cubicle made from partly obscured glass in the bedroom where the shower and the toilet sat!  Now you tell me – what is with this design trend, how many people actually like seeing their partner sitting on the toilet?  Particularly in Asian counties too where the toilet visits may be a little more frequent perhaps, lol.   Call me boring if you like, but seeing hubby on the loo with pants around the ankles while I lay in bed does absolutely nothing for my libido, funny about that!  The room had neither bathroom privacy nor anywhere else either as the windows and balcony also was in view of everyone outside, unless you closed the heavy curtain, which was so depressing.naive painting of monkeys on a picture frame

So we were two rather depressed holiday makers sitting down for a very average dinner in the outdoor hotel restaurant discussing our options of how to turn this bad start to our holiday around.

Luckily we managed too, so if you come and visit me again you will find out how.

Here is a quote I think fits rather well here by Erma Bombeck;

“We hit the sunny beaches where we occupy ourselves keeping the sun off our skin, the saltwater off our bodies, and the sand out of our belongings.”

Till next time happy painting and sculpting.

Love Marie xxx

Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALEGICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES.  Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.

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