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I was thrilled recently to see a well respected interior design company Classica Decor feature my art and the bedding designs from ARTnBED on their website.  If you would like to have a look what they wrote in their blog use this link CLASSICADECORBLOG.  This acrylic on board painting of hot air balloons flying over the Barossa Valley in South Australia was one of the artworks they featured on their air balloons flying over farm land with sheep,pigs, cows and fruit trees

Hot Air Balloons in Naive style


Classica Decor is based in Miami, Florida where they are not only a major force to be reckoned with in the interior designers sphere but they have also come up with a “Design Touch eBook program” for all you around the world who want to decorate your own houses.

bedding designs

In their consultation meetings, they frequently came across clients who had tried to decorate their own homes.  After buying a few items they felt overwhelmed, lost and frustrated and were unable to finish what they had started as all the components of the rooms did not seem to fit together.


That is why Debra and Dafna from Classica came up with this wonderful program which includes the eBook, 5 tutorial videos and online support.  Both have spent many years immersed in global culture and from this international background Classica has a worldwide perspective on design and moved away from the typical formulaic ideas which they replaced with the unexpected element, making their creations stand out among the rest.  I can only imagine that is also why my artworks appealed to designs by classica decor


The “Design Touch Program” is offering solutions to home decor dilemmas and the Classica’s support team will answer any questions.  The members can email in their photos and get personal advice and all the while the eBook covers everything from calculating a budget to new decor, how to choose a color palette, combining fabrics, colors, prints, furniture  both old and new.   How to buy readymade pillowcases and drapes or even how to make them yourself shown in detailed videos all made easy with the Classica’s support team on hand.  The eBook itself is divided into 10 day/sections, each section will guide you through a different topic, all the way from getting the inspirations to installing the new decor.

motive of the south australian port painted by artist marie jonsson harrison on bed design by art n bed

ARTnBED Designs


The eBook was created for people who strive for a beautiful decor in their home and wants to create it themselves.

The website shares great ideas and good designs with many before and after photos, an interesting blog full of great tips and they work closely with each client to design exactly what their heart desires.  So whether you want their professional decorators to do it all from concept to deliver or you want to do it yourself through the eBook give ClassicaDecor a go.

interior decorating ideas from Classica Decor on artist marie jonsson harrisons art blog called art and decorating ideasSo here is a quote I feel fits well here by an unknown author;

“Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions”.

Till next time happy painting, sculpting and interior decorating to you all.

Love Marie xxx

Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALEGICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES.  Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.

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