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28. ART & Sometimes its just about the little noises you hear


As I was writing a art blog about another painting where I depicted us losing our false teeth while we were madly dancing, I was reminded about what happened to a good friend; she unfortunately had to have all her teeth removed at an early age and was made a set of false teeth by the dentist.  Here is the link to the art blog & painting of us loosing our teeth 23. Don’t let your arthritis get in the way & ART

Pet shop window display of animals for sale by artist Marie Jonsson-Harrison

How much is that Doggy in the Window?


Good looking girl who lived alone apart from her two dogs.  (The two white dogs in this painting on the right hand side of the art work are the ones in question.)

Anyway she was just starting to get used to wearing these false teeth, but they had been hurting a bit so she put them in the glass by the bed, got an early night as there was a family gathering the next day.

As she explains it, she woke up and just sort of dozed in bed for a while, contemplating the day ahead.  Then she slowly started to take notice of this strange sort of crunching sound under the bed and thought she better investigate.

Well under there, she found her two darling Maltese Terriers looking up at her ever so innocently, each with a brand new set of false teeth in their mouths,  well that’s probably an over statement let’s just say that a few hours ago they were brand new…now they were distinctly chewed up and broken into several bits.

Brave lady this one, still made it to the party wearing her temporary ones whilst the dentist made another set.


It has been a lot of fun to paint for the dog and cat series and they are all so cute and great to research too, plus I have the perfect subject’s right here, our dogs and also two cats called Milo and Ozzie ( named after Ozzie Osbourne)

Ozzie is really an outdoor cat who we normally do not see for weeks at a time, however since Kai came home he has been hanging around constantly, guess we weren’t the only ones to miss the baby boy !

Here is a quote by Helen Hayes from the book Wag Lines, that fits perfectly here.

“When I hear tell of the character and the loyalty and devotion of dogs, I remain unmoved.  All of my dogs have been scamps and thieves and troublemakers, and I’ve adored them all”

Till next time happy painting and sculpting to you all!

Love Marie xxxx                                                                                   (c)

Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALEGICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES.  Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.

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