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87 Art & It could be worse, they could be fleas


This acrylic on canvas board painting is part of my “Cat & Dog” series.  The inspiration for these artworks is all the years living at the farm as well as being an animal lover from way back.  You have to admit that a swarm full of butterflies is a lot better than fleas, not so sure about the bees though.

naive painting of a cat with bees and butterflies buzzing all around by artist marie jonsson harrison

Lucky it's not fleas!


When we moved recently we had to leave one of our cats behind Ozzie is his name a gorgeous gray and white cat, the trouble with him was he never learned the nack of being house trained.  Instead he would save up his “business” I’m sure for when he came inside and promptly go to our son’s room, back up against the wall and do “it”.  Very unsavory to find when you happened upon it later.  So consequently he became an outside cat, and I think he prefers it that way too.   We were very lucky that the people that bought the farm were happy to keep him on; he does you see, earn his keep, as he is a great mouser!


Our daughter’s cat Milo moved with us and used a litter tray for the first month or so in the new house but now we have a cat door so he comes and goes as he pleases.  We think he is a lovely cat but I may have to rethink that now as I caught him having a major scrap with the neighbor’s cat.  I did feel a bit bad about it as since we have moved here we put the blame on the “bad cat” next door beating up our sweet, innocent darling.   However when I caught Milo red-handed, flying out from his hidden vantage point and attacking the neighbor’s cat,  I just may have to admit he is not the angel I thought.

But I still felt  a bit sorry for Milo (I think he came out second best) as he lay on our bed for the next few days nursing a cut on his head and a cheek which had swelled up to twice the normal size.


Now I am again going to share with you a poem by my friend from Scotland,  Annamarie Causer, writer, columnist and author of many poetry books.  Here is a link to one of the websites CRAIGMILLAR that she writes for called (look under Memories for a Diary of a Countryside Lady).

This poem was written about her own cat which was 19 years old and very sick at this time when Annamarie took him to the vet, and she was sure the only outcome would be the poor cat’s demise.

And what do I have on today?
A trip to the PDSA.
Cat [carrier] box on the busy bus.
How he doth writhe …me? well I just cuss!
The death knell,
That ominous bell
Was pronounced.
Huh, I stood my ground.
I tells them
I renounced
Their findings.
Several hours later
Now here’s me minding
My own business.
The phone trings
Would you plez brings
Your catty box.
This isn’t a cat ..he’s a ravenous fox
Eating up a storm.
It really can’t wait till morn.
Now he sits sprawling
Tongue lolling.
Not mauling,
Any more.
Ever debating.
What’s happened to my teef?
I’ve got a real beef
‘Bout my tongue…where does it go now?
Gee-whizz, wish I’d been born a bow

So the lesson from this is to remember it’s not over until it’s over and here is a quote I like by Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire (philosopher & writer)

“Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.”

Till next time happy painting and sculpting to you all,

Love Marie xxx     (c)

If you enjoyed this art blog about cats you may like this very funny one about 2 dogs 28. ART & Sometimes its just about the little noises you hear

Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALEGICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES.  Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.

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