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Tag Archives: Australian Model of the Year
Tanya Powell forever young


FASHION PARADE PAINTINGS This painting is the backstage version of what happens in the changing rooms during a fashion parade, it is part of a diptych I did on the subject close to my heart. As many of you know I was an international model (former Australian Model of the Year), modelling as Marie Jonsson […]


114 Elders Fine Art Gallery.. never give up

GALLERY DIRECTOR This painting “Christmas for the Elders family” was commissioned by Jim Elders from the Elders Fine Art Gallery in Adelaide, South Australia, a man I much admire and without whom I would not be enjoying this wonderful career as an Artist. I have told you how I started painting in How it all […]


76 Renewing our Vows in Vegas & Art

ART IN LAS VEGAS As part of our trip to the US we were going to Las Vegas and having always heard about the Little White Wedding Chapel  and the celebrities who got married there which include Britney Spears, Demi Moore & Bruce Willis, Joan Collins, Michael Jordon, The Who, Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland, Patty […]