ARTnBED AND NAIVE ART I just stumbled on an interesting fact as I was writing another art blog about my art being on duvet and quilts featuring the rather new crisp looking white Hindley Street set. I was amazed that it seems to be a Swedish invention: my home country and here is a great […]
188. ARTnBED and the painting Pottering at the Port
ART ON BEDS I am so happy to finally be able to announce that my 3rd set of duvet (quilt covers) for ARTnBED is finally on the market. It is called Pottering at the Port and the original painting was bought by the Country Arts Trust of South Australia at an exhibition a while back. […]
3. Living in the Seventies Art
ARTIST WEBSITE So here I am again, talking to myself lol, or maybe you, if you are out there somewhere. So my artist website is finally up and running after its initial crash and then what seemed to be an eternity whilst it was being redesigned by Powwow. And they did a very good job […]