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Tag Archives: mosaic

19. All Creatures great and small in ART

SCULPTING IN CLAY I had so much fun designing and creating this work, all the animals are hand made out of clay, set to dry over several weeks on boards on the floor of my studio and then fired bisque.  Followed by, in some cases up to five coats of paint, two coats of glazing […]


17. The Jail Bird in Alcatraz (the last bit of the San Francisco tales)

ART & TRAVEL If you have just joined my art blog recently, you may want to check out numbers 6 &7 in the Blog archive for the start of the San Francisco travel tales. You can’t go past the wit and wisdom of Oscar Wilde who quotes; “It is an odd thing, but everyone who […]


15. The Art of The grass is always greener

FRINGE FESTIVAL We went out to dinner recently with some close friends, to Enoteca in Adelaide which I highly recommend. There were 9 of us and afterwards we went and saw the Ukulele playing, Lady Carol at the Garden of  Unearthly Delights for the Fringe Festival and the whole night was such a treat.   […]


14. Adam & Steve 2 Sculpture

CERAMIC AND MOSAIC I have actually painted a couple of paintings on this theme, as well as the original “Adam and Eve”, which I will tell you about another time.  What inspired this particular artwork which is done in handmade ceramic and mosaic was that my gallery here in Adelaide was having a Christmas show […]


10. If You Remember The Sixties, You Weren’t There, ART

PAINTING INSPIRATIONS People often ask me where I get my inspiration for my paintings and sculpture, well all artwork from.  And my answer is usually – from absolutely everywhere.  And I truly mean that, driving in the car, seeing an advertising sign, going to a birthday celebration, or a wedding or any festive occasion at […]