This Artwork is called “Shop till you drop” but it should probably be named according to how we felt at the time lol but that would have to include some not so lady like words – you see if you look closely in the orange car on the left you will see us.
There is a Japanese exchange student in the back, next to her is Hillivi they are both happy and giggly and chatting away like girls do at the age of 13. Then there is Bryan less pleased and me sitting next to Kai who is learning to drive….. need I say more, you get the picture?
I really should have painted me pulling my hair out and can you see the steam coming out from my ears?
Both Bryan and I taught our 2 kids to drive, and for the most part they were really good students and careful drivers. However there were always one or two days here and there when our patience was tested to the limit.
One night as we were leaving the city driving at 80 km on a straight road with not a car insight we saw the traffic lights up ahead and they were clearly red, however darling son for some unknown reason decided that RED meant go and just sailed straight through them. Claiming that he never saw the red light at all, it actually worried us so much that we sent him to the Doctors to get checked to see if he was colour-blind, imagine that for the son of an artist!
Another time when it was our daughters turn to learn to drive and we had been out to dinner in the city and I again was sitting in the front seat supervising when we were pulled over by the Police. This was a Random Breath test and Hillivi passed with flying colours of course, not so much fun when it was her mother’s turn.
In Australia you are allowed to have one or two drinks as long as you register under .05 and as I had only had one drink of wine with dinner I thought this would be a synch, however the police man looked at me sternly and insinuated that it was touch and go.
Lucky for me I was still under the required limit, but it did give me a fright. Off we went again with baby girl at the helm for the one and a half hour drive home, and we had not gone too far before we were diverted by road works, very badly sign posted and confusing road works which threw the “new driver” into a tizz. However she managed well with the diversion and we were on our way again.
If you fancy seeing some more of my handmade ceramic and mosaic wall based sculptures here is a link MOSAIC & CERAMIC ARTWORKS
By this time out of the city limits and laughing and talking about our adventures when I suddenly screamed at Hillivi to stop, luckily her reflexes were good because just as we go into a bend doing 80km there were 200 sheep standing there in the middle of the road.
So suddenly again we have to spring into action, two of us walking and herding the sheep in the pitch black night and Bryan in the car but to no avail so we get help from the nearest farm house (where as we found out the sheep belonged there anyway) We did have some extremely hairy moments when a couple of big trucks came ploughing through not seeing either us or the sheep as this bend is very dangerous in an otherwise straight road. All is well that ends well and all the sheep lived to tell the tale.
Here is a qoute I like by Jean Kerr (writer)
“If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, it’s just possible you haven’t grasped the situation.”
Happy painting and sculpting everyone!
Love Marie
Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALE, GICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES. Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.
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