58. A Lifetime of Pix – Photography
EXHIBITION OPENING We had a most interesting weekend recently. I had been asked to open an exhibition for my dear friend Ted James who was celebrating 50 years of being behind the lens of his trusted camera. It was held at the Rustons Rose Garden and Convention Centre in Renmark, South Australia. This Artwork Sold […]
51. ART of Laughter is the best medicine mmm…. and maybe a little bit of snake
THE ART OF FRIENDSHIP My long time friend Debonella (my nickname for her) had her birthday this week, and although she lives in another state and we see each other very rarely, I still treasure our friendship and the mad times we had together and she is every bit as beautiful now as she was […]
12. Salvador Dali and C’est La Vie
SCULPTURE BY GAUDI My son Kai has recently been to Spain a country that I love. I spent a considerable bit of time there in my modelling days, enjoying lots of great work, great food, people, language and culture. Most of my time was spent in Barcelona, where I actually did manage to go and […]