Another Mothers Day is drawing close and I have to admit I do love them. It is lovely to get those little treats and spend the day with the family. This year baby girl is taking me out for the day, starting with lunch not sure what else is planned but later in the day we will go and visit both sets of Grandparents too, Happy Mother’s Day Mormor and Nana!. To me it’s not so much the pressie giving etc that is important but to spend time together and let the mothers in your life know that they are loved.
For being a mother is the most fantastic gift but at the same time a guilt ridden curse. It was hard enough when the kids were little but at least then I was the boss and could tuck them safely into their beds at night and keep the monsters from the door. Now I need a Lear jet and an Uzi to be of any use.
This acrylic on canvas board painting is called” It’s too late to turn back now” which is a quote equally appropriate to both parachute jumping and motherhood!
Kai our son is safely (LOL) living with us now but a year or two ago when he spent his gap year overseas I was driving him nuts with my various warnings of imminent danger.
Kai had been living and working at a hotel in Cheltenham and travelling around Europe on his days off so every car, bus or train accident and the like talked about on the news sent me scurrying to the phone to text and make sure he was oK.
Like Darth Vader against a terrorist bomb, that was me! Suddenly the volcano erupted another thing to worry about, he already had his flight home with a Bangkok stopover cancelled for a week. Let’s not forget there is also swine flu, Pick pockets, the Bangkok riots, sitting no further that 7 seats from an exit on the plane, drink spiking and gangs with knifes!
My mantra to myself was “Oh grow up girl and get a grip” I know I should, but my children are so precious, bad enough with baby girl here in Adelaide, I know I drive her crazy too. Poor baby girl at 21 years old still has to text her mum after every car trip to say she is safe, never mind the fact that one could get ones eye poked out with a sharp stick (lol that was always my dad’s warning too, as soon as me or my brother did anything remotely dangerous).
The Swedes have a very good word for my behaviour and that is “Mesar” which is a bird in Sweden that is known as a little coward, wimpy, so that’s what an overprotective mother preaching excessive caution is called!
So Mums take a deep breath and enjoy your day, relax, permit yourself to get pampered and forget about the worries for one day.
Here is quote I think fits well her by Sophia Loren;
“When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.”
Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Till next time happy painting and sculpting and stop worrying!
Love Marie xxxxx
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