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newspaper article and photo of South Australia artist Marie Jonsson-Harrison and daughter Hillivi Harrison with Sv Michelsen chocolate box from Denmark



As another year turns the corner I cannot help but be very thankful for the last one and wishing the New Year will also be kind to us all.  The most important thing for me is of course the health and wellbeing of my family and friends but if I could I certainly would extend that wish to all living people and animals big and small!  World peace, health, wealth and happiness for all that’s my wish.  Yes of course I am a dreamer,  that goes hand in hand with being an artist!  So I will try with my art to make you smile with my paintings and sculptures.  Perhaps also poke a little bit of fun and hopefully now and again also make you think about something that you hadn’t thought of before, perhaps something that you could also do to make the world a better place.

newspaper article and photo of South Australia artist Marie Jonsson-Harrison and daughter Hillivi Harrison with Sv Michelsen chocolate box from Denmark

The photographer who took this photo was someone I worked with in my modelling days!


I have had an amazing year work wise and it has ended on such a perfect note with my chocolate box (chocolate tin) by Sv. Michelsen for 2015 just having arrived on the market.  They are the leading chocolatier and collected by the Her Majesty the Queen of Denmark.  All the chocolate boxes (tins) are numbered and the first one; number #1 goes to the Queen Margrethe ll, number #2 stays with Sv.Michelsen which are third generation chocolatiers and number #3 goes to me the artist.  It goes without saying that the chocolate tastes divine and it’s all gluten free too.


This amazing privilege all came about last year after I had quite a few exhibitions in Denmark, organized by my European agent Eliane Kristensen who divides her time between France and Denmark.   At the Easter show for the Knud Grothe Gallery (one of the most prestigious galleries in Denmark) I was selected to be the featured artist and this then led to Sv Michelsen seeing my work for the first time and commissioning me to paint an image for the new 2015 chocolate tin.


If you look really closely at the painting you will find Princess Mary and Prince Fredrick and their 4 children clad in formal clothes with their sashes and tiaras on too.

It was so fun to paint and I would really like to thank both Eliane and Knud for this wonderful opportunity!


The newspaper article attached was on page 3 of the Advertiser on Boxing Day and from all the messages and emails, phone calls and text I got afterwards I can only assume that a lot more people sat down during the Christmas break and read the paper than they normally do during the week, lol!  So thank you so much everyone that was really special.  Very special too for me to have Hillivi beside me, it has been so much fun for us to get to model together.  So many people remark on how similar we look and now Hillivi calls it Twinning! LOL :)

Chocolate box painting for Sv Michelsen by artist Marie Jonsson-Harrison

The complete painting for the chocolate box!


The coming year is proving to be just as busy as the last one and therefore something has finally got to give I am afraid and that is the regular big blogs – you may have noticed for the last little while I have been a little lax with my artblogs and for that I apologize.  This year I will try another format.  I have found that my blogging takes up so much time and I have been struggling so hard to keep up with my painting and sculpting deadlines that eventually something had to give!  So from now on I will perhaps write a longer blog only now and again and instead keep you updated with photos and some words about what is happening in my world.  I look forward to still seeing your comments and sharing your worlds too.


So for now I leave you this year with this quote by Bill Vaughan;

“An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.”

Till next time happy painting and sculpting and Happy Holidays to you all.

Love Marie xxx

Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALEGICLEE  PRINTS  FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES.  Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.

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