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53. Art & Bachelorette – A Hens night out


The invitation read” HENS NIGHT, come and join Fiona and dance the night away before she walks down the aisle on her wedding day!  Girl’s Night Out with fabulous food and wine, Dress code Bling”- and Yes it was and Yes we did!  We had so much fun but I must say that hen’s nights had changed a lot since when I got married, and this certainly inspired me to both paint and write art blogs.

Funny thing is I cannot actually remember my own hens night, maybe that is because I did love to party and probably had a dozen girls nights out before I actually walked down the aisle, or maybe that is also something that we should blame on the champagne.  Oh the champagne has a lot to answer for!


I do remember that Bryan had a bucks night though, well maybe that is because there is pictorial evidence documenting the terrible deeds!  That was in the day when the groom would get tarred and feathered.  So there is a photo of a rather worse for wear groom standing in his jocks with shoe polish all over him, and I mean ALL over him.

Lucky for both him and I that it all ended well as some stories I have heard of what the so called “mates” do to each other sometimes ends in tears.  This next story is a classic example.  One” groom to be” was tied up after a very heavy night of partying to the pole of a jetty, by his best man and some mates.  It was a hot balmy night and the tide was out so the lads figured all was sweet and left him there and continued to party up the street.


Well a few hours passed as they do when you are having fun and finally they thought they better check on the groom, who at this stage was now millimeters away from drowning, the water was lapping up under his nose and he had to time his breath after each wave.  If they had waited another couple of minutes there would not have been any wedding to go to.  He lived to tell the tale but the story ended bitter sweet anyway as that was the last time that the best man and the groom ever saw each other, he and the other couple of mates involved were persons non grata at the ceremony and 20 years later they haven’t spoken to each other again, the bride saw to that and who can blame her.

painting of seals at the zoo by artist in a colorful naive way

Seals at the zoo!

This painting depicts seals at the Zoo (which sold in Japan) and the only thing it has in common with this story is the being up to ones neck in water!


Anyway us girls are a little more kinder to each other and these days the last night of freedom (as it were) are carefully orchestrated affairs with every little detail taken care of by very dedicated and wonderful bridesmaids and maids of honors.  At this one for my gorgeous niece Fiona (who is marrying handsome nephew Regan) held at the Ambar Lounge at the Ambassadors Hotel, there were hors D’oeuvres and drinks, a scrumptious main meal and for dessert a Penis cake.

Mmm…haven’t I mentioned that word yet!!!  That’s funny as they were everywhere on this night.  Just the generic brand actually and not attached to an actual man or anything!  There were lots of games both guessing ones, like” What part of the body does the groom prefer on his bride to be”, and each right answer was rewarded with a small gift which was a little bit naughty.

Then there was “Pin the tail on the Donkey” although in this case “he” was definitely not a donkey and “it” was certainly not a tail”.

Would you believe that I was the winner of that game, go me!  I obviously know where they grow, lol, although I will have to admit the blind fold was not done up too tight and I actually had a little peek.  Naughty me, and that won me a tube of Chocolate Body Paint, funnily enough my daughter came second and she got a funny little toy in a box, we haven’t figured out what it is yet, looks like a little torpedo, lol.


The Penis cake was to die for and both I and my daughter was wildly excited it was also gluten free, so we could actually eat some.  It was presented with lots of little chocolate penises around it on a silver tray and the chief bridesmaid had made it herself, obviously another artist in the making!

She said her husband came home unexpectantly whilst she was baking and wondered if she always made penis cake and chocolates whilst he was away.  She also pointed out that the cake had collapsed a little in the middle but she had got over that problem by filling that part up with cream,  which all us girls thought was rather authentic anyway!

The rest of the girls went out clubbing afterwards and I should have too, as life is too short to sleep it away, next time!  But this time I caught the train home with my little box of goodies- oh did I forget to tell you about them, all of us got a little box full of little naughty sweets, yep you guessed it in the shape of you know what!!

So there I was, sitting on that train which was absolutely full of people, some perhaps a little bit worse for wear just like me (well it was 12am on a Saturday night) and I could not help having a little giggle to myself thinking about what my little box contained!

So here is something I’ve learned said by J.A.Wheeler (physicist)

“If you haven’t found something strange during the day, it hasn’t been much of a day.”

Till next time happy painting and sculpting to you all!

Love Marie  xx

Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALEGICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES.  Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.

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