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8. Thunder in the Thunder Box & Art


We have two dogs, and in this artwork I started out painting Cheech but changed my mind as I went along and ended up doing Dalmatians instead.  Although Cheech has the same colouring (check the YOUTUBE video on the Bio page, he is the black and white pup dressed in various outfit, poor child with a weird “mother”.) Great soundtrack too eh?

naive painting by Marie Jonsson-Harrison called Delightful Dalmatians, dogs in a Louis Vuitton bag.

Dalmatians and Louis Vuitton

We suspect  that Cheech has A.D.D; he is like a fly on a string when you take him out for a walk on his lead.  I think he was probably traumatized as a pup, perhaps when he was left all alone in the pet shop cage for a couple of days after his 8 siblings had already found their new owners.


Well anyway he is scared of most things and very needy, follows me about and lies in the studio whilst I paint or sculpt, and also sleeps under the covers in our bed by my feet.

So this particular night I woke up because suddenly I had a dog in my face, shaking panting, dribbling and telling me to wake up.  It wasn’t long before I realized that we had a thunderstorm going on and as you guessed this brave little soul is a bit of a ‘scary cat’ .  As we were now both awake I thought we better both get up to do our ‘business”,  his turn first, but oh no do you think I could get him out the door.  Not on your Nelly, not with all that thunder rumbling, no he insisted that I come too and stood right next to him whilst he found a bush.


Now it was my turn, off to the bathroom we go, and you know this was 4am and I was still half asleep and stumbling down the hall way.  I  finally sit down, and lo and behold quick as a flash after another big thunderclap I suddenly had a dog in my lap on the toilet, and there was no way that he was going to get off until I was finished.  Lol  mmm…I feel another painting coming on…

Here is another saying from the book Wag Lines, said by Rita Rudner.

“My husband and I are either going to buy a dog or have a child.  We can’t decide whether to ruin our carpets or ruin our lives”

Till next time, happy painting and sculpting everyone!

Love Marie xxx                                                              (c)

Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALEGICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES.  Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.

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