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147 Art and the Olympics


When you are an artist who paints on a full time bases you occasionally feel that “THIS” is the best painting you have ever done and that is how I feel about this acrylic on canvas painting called “London2012”.

painting of the London Olympics featuring all sports such as running,high jump,horse riding,diving,swimming,rowing,soccer,basketball,water polo,also featured are number 10 downing street, Soho, the London Eye and London double decked busses

My view of the Olympics


It all started in March this year when I was approached by Mark McCormick from Giclee Link who commissioned the Olympics artwork.  Giclee Link is a young and new company founded on the principles of quality, transparency and fairness both in the way they treat their artists as well as the retailers they deal with.  Mark says “It’s our mindset that karma and the adage; what goes around comes around, will be in play”.

Mark and his partner Pam are committed professionals in the art and photography space and come from a background with Getty Images and The Art Group (UK largest publishers).

I have had tremendous support from Mark with links and images of all the buildings and preparations going on there in London, things that only the locals would have known about, which made it so much more fun for me.  I loved the collaboration and sense of humor that we shared!


For instance with the Royal Jubilee celebrations London was awash with Jubilee Eggs – which are a cross between Easter eggs and Faberge eggs.  In any case there was an Egg Hunt for the people of London and some took the hunt very seriously auditing their efforts on a mobile database.  There were apparently 209 eggs in total however some had been stolen and other damaged.

So that is why if you look closely on the painting you will see a Cat bugler running off with one egg and another thief in Soho with another as well as a big stash of stolen eggs in the apartment next to number 10 Downing Street.


Another bit of fun I had was with the controversy over the proposed basketball courts to be built in the Waltham Forest.   This area is a beautiful place where the locals treasure the natural habitat around the river and where you find the canal boats that are often pictured on postcards.  Leading up to the Olympics there was protesters there and some of them tried to stop the builders by blocking the path of their vans, so of course I had to paint that.  I actually had named the builders The Big Tosser Building Company – as us Aussies are always poking a bit of fun at the authorities and the fat cats, lol, however the Brits did not appreciate the joke so now they are just called Big Toms!


The London2012 image has been made into Giclee Prints in a limited edition of 95 and is available through Giclee Link as the wholesale company who welcome Retail galleries, Interior and Furnishing Retailers, Multiple Retailers, Interior Designers and Online Retailers to stock their prints.


As well as Union Art who welcome everybody who are interested in art and specialises in limited and open editions prints, photography, sculpture and original works of art.


Union Art represents only the very finest contemporary, established and emerging artists in the business.  What impresses me very much about Union Art is that collectors and enthusiasts can browse their collection at any time through their website , however the added bonus is that they are available to offer help or answer any questions over the phone between the hours of 10am – 10pm 7 days a week!  They offer competitive prices together with efficient and friendly service so call them now! (London, UK, 08455441452) You may also like to visit Union Art on Facebook.


I know a lot of artists do not like to do commissioned work, they feel that it is limiting and cramps their natural style.  I actually feel the opposite – it often makes me stretch myself and paint topics and themes which I may otherwise not have thought of.  Of course it is also nerve racking too, what if the client does not like the finished product and yes that is something that has happened to me too.  However all is not lost then either, in my experience as there is always someone else who will love that artwork.


I really felt part of the Olympics whilst doing the research and hoped to include as many sports as possible, look closely and you will find; High Jump, Pole Vault, Running, Shot put, Discus, Javelin, Sailing, Synchronized Swimming,  Rowing, Swimming, Diving, Wind Surfing, Show Jumping, Beach Volley Ball, Basketball, Cycling, Gymnastics, Tennis, Soccer and Water Polo.  Then of course there is the concert in Hyde Park as well as the goings on in SoHo, the new model of the London Double Decker busses, the Prime Minister and his wife at number 10 as well as the Queen in a spot of bother and of course all the people from all the different races and cultures around the world.

Yep everyone is in London 2012!

So here is a quote I feel goes well here by Henry Ford;

“Coming together is a beginning.  Keeping together is progress.  Working together is success.”

Till next time happy painting,sculpting and partaking in sports to you all,

Love Marie xxx

Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALEGICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES.  Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.

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