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43. Art & Wedding Anniversary


It’s our wedding anniversary on Saturday, so don’t call us-we won’t be answering the phone, lol we will have other things on our minds!  Here is a painting which may give you some idea, this is our actual bed, but I don’t know what all the cats are doing there!  What was I thinking!

artist Marie Jonsson-Harrisons's painting is a lady in suspenders on bed with cats around-artnbed

Naive Art in Bed!

So we met when I was only 14 years old and just having emigrated from Sweden with my parents and brother.

As I have told you before I was a bit of a handful as a teenager and run away from home (for 8 months) but by the time I met Bryan I was living back with my parents briefly.  I looked older than my 14 years (glad that ‘looking older’ trend did not keep going LOL) and therefore was able to get into any clubs and pubs I wanted to.


We met at the Pooraka hotel, I can’t remember which band was playing, but all the best bands of that era played there, regulars were: AC/DC, The Angels, Sherbert, Hush, Kush, Skyhooks you get the picture –they were awesome nights.  If you fancy reading about another great band and see them in an artwork in my art blog, here is the link;  25. Shake Rattle and Roll & Art & Music

I was the dancing queen (still am if I get the chance) and danced with Tom, Dick and Harry and the rest, Bryan was there in the line up too.  Tall with blond curly hair, surfer looking guy (always had a soft spot for a surfer).


So why Bryan you ask, well I tell you he had a weird pickup style which I bet not many of you have used before.  He brought his brother with him, well that may not be unusual you say, mmm…. perhaps a tad unusual when you factor in that his brother Trevor has cerebral palsy and is in a wheelchair.  So Bryan and his brother sort of stood out from the crowd you might say, how many  16 year old teenagers goes out looking for chicks in that fashion?

Well it worked for me clearly- it made him stand out from the crowd and I figured that he must have the loveliest of hearts, as he looked out for his brother all night and sorted him with beers, cigarettes (yes those were the days when everybody smoked) and toilet visits, in between trying to woo me!

Funny isn’t it I still love him just the same all these years later, and every Wedding Anniversary we celebrate our good fortune to still be together when most of our friends have long ago parted company.

There was only one glitch to our wedding celebration, the 9/11 terrorist attack, which put a big dampener on our day, we wish we did not have to share our anniversary with that.

On our special day, we will give thought to the people who lost their lives on this day and the people left behind that love them still.

Here is a thought by Marcus Tullius Cicero (statesman)

“It is foolish to tear one’s hair in grief, as though sorrow would be made less by baldness.”

Till next time happy painting and sculpting to you all!

Love Marie xxx    (c)

Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALEGICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES.  Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.

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