22. Kicking and screaming into the 21st century & Art
ARTISTIC INSPIRATION How fantastic the internet is!!! Oh it’s probably all ho-hum to you lot, but you see I am a real newcomer to this. My Husband/Manager Bryan has been looking after my old art website and anything electronic since forever and I swore black and blue that I was just not INTERESTED and did […]
21. Life in a Circus Tent
This is a continuation of 20. Antonis Tivoli so if you missed it you may want to recap. ARTISTS BACKGROUND When I grew up in Sweden my father worked as a carpenter and my mother stayed mainly at home and both provided a wonderful environment for me and my brother to grow up in. ( I […]
18. The Art of Listen to your Children
What’s that all about, why should we listen to them? Don’t we as adults always know best? Sad to say, lol that I discovered probably when my daughter was around 4 years old that this was not the case. My son who is 4 years older than her, always accepted that we, the parents knew better, […]
9. Bike ride over the Golden Gate Bridge & ART (continuing tales of San Francisco)
MORE ART BLOGS On this detail below from the painting “I love San Francisco”, you can see Golden Gate bridge and here is a link to the whole artwork and the art blog called 6. San Francisco where this tale begins,followed by 7. More tales from San Francisco and if after you read this and still want […]
7. More tales from San Francisco & ART
HAPPY AND GAY HOTEL In this art blog I will continue with our San Francisco travels and the inspirations for lots of artworks to come. So we finally got to Hotel Carlton, a Joie de Vivre Hotel (and it was too) but at first we thought maybe a little too much as it had a […]
6. San Francisco Art Blog
PAINTING INSPIRATIONS Sometimes I paint from personal experience and sometimes I paint and then experience and that is what happened here. Some artists that I know hate doing commissions, I feel the opposite entirely, and I love doing them. I think it is because it makes me take a look at a subject that I […]
3. Living in the Seventies Art
ARTIST WEBSITE So here I am again, talking to myself lol, or maybe you, if you are out there somewhere. So my artist website is finally up and running after its initial crash and then what seemed to be an eternity whilst it was being redesigned by Powwow. And they did a very good job […]
ART FROM SWEDEN TO AUSTRALIA We Swedes are weird, you know in a nice way, and it wasn’t until we immigrated to Australia that I realized that fact. Well if you don’t believe me take a look at the painting below. That’s an Easter painting that I was commissioned to do by my American gallery a few […]