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12. Salvador Dali and C’est La Vie


My son Kai has recently been to Spain a country that I love.

I spent a considerable bit of time there in my modelling days, enjoying lots of great work, great food, people, language and culture.  Most of my time was spent in Barcelona, where I actually did manage to go and see the wonderful artwork of Gaudi, images that stay on my mind.  He built houses and sculptures like no one else I have ever seen.  (And as I have said before about my party days, I think I did rather well to fit that into my busy schedule.)

I spent fantastic days and nights on Ibiza, my most favorite Island in the world when I was young, and would go there whenever time permitted.

This painting “Let it all hang out” was purchased by the Australian artist Pro Hart and hung in his house.

naive painting by Marie Jonsson-Harrison called Let it all hang out, with naked people on a nude beach

Let it all hang out!

The image of this painting is probably a cross between Ibiza and Maslin’s Beach (designated nude beach) here in South Australia.  I can almost smell the scent of the sea and feel the pulse of the music from the amazing nightclubs in Ibiza (well we called them Discos then and I was the Dancing Queen. lol)


I remember doing a swimwear catalogue in Sitges, the town by the sea that Salvador Dali called home.  At the time I was only interested in that fact because my father is an artist and liked his artwork.

Now when I think back on that time and remember, I  was on Salvador Dali’s doorstep for the most part of a week, doing bikini shoots all day with hairdressers and makeup artists fussing over me and then wined and dined at night.   I think, boy I should have paid more attention, what a fabulous opportunity to see and find out more about one of the world’s most amazing artists.  Oh well, C’est La Vie, no regrets, it could do your head in to think about all the what’ Ifs’ in life.

Here is another saying I like from The Mammoth Book of Useless Information

‘Most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one’s mistakes’

Till next time, happy painting and sculpting.

Love Marie xxx                                                                             (c)

Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALEGICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES.  Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.

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