This painting “Happy New Year at Regine’s” was inspired by my mad modelling days, and crazy mad they were too, but sooo much fun.
As you can see from this artwork (which sold in Japan) we models know how to kick our heels up and we did!
However I have to admit to overdoing it a couple of times too, so if you look closely at the painting you will see a crossed eyed girl behind the sports car which could have been me, but in this particular painting I am standing with my long-time friend Debonella (her name was really Deb, I just always called her that,lol) You can find us on the right hand side with our heads together, the blond and the brunette.
We would party till the milkman came around (and for you familiar with the milkman that would be in the very early hours of the morning) and I remember one particular night when we obviously had consumed more than our fair share and we were caught- throwing up in the rosebushes, together mind you-well that’s what friends are for! Luckily most of the time we were lady like and behaved ourselves, that is what we preach to our daughters anyway (guess we will be caught out now!)
I have many tales of our terrible deeds coming up later on in other art blogs, however what made me think about this now was that I just received an invitation to a very swanky “DO” that’s being organized in town by former model agent owner Sandy Clark, who after she sold her business went on to have another very successful career as an event organizer and later as a public relation journalist.
We have recently lost a dear friend and fellow model Adriana Xenides, who died much too young and made us all question our mortality. For those of you not familiar with Adriana, she was the longest serving hostess on the TV game show called Wheel of Fortune here in Australia.
Well Sandy decided to do something about that and we all take our hats off to her. She had organized the most fantastic event at our new international hotel the Crowne Plaza here in Adelaide invited all past models, clients, lecturers and past students and anyone connected to the industry for a wonderful cocktail party to reminisce and celebrate “that we are still here!” (borrowed from Monty Python’ s “we are not dead yet!”)
The funds raised went to “Teen Challenge for the homeless” and “Variety Children’s Charity” including what was raised from the painting I donated to the event as well. Here is a link to that and to the art blog about the night in question 50. Not a trout pout in sight
Just a little thought for you, why not try to contact the people that were important in your own life, see how they are travelling, catch up for a drink or a meal, talk about old times. Life is short, WAY TO SHORT- so let’s make the very best of it while we can.
Here is a quote I like from the Mammoth book of useless information-
“One can survive everything, nowadays, except death, and live down everything except a good reputation”
Till next time happy painting and sculpting to everyone!
Love Marie xx (c)
Why not come and have a look at Marie Jonsson-Harrison’s PAINTINGS FOR SALE, GICLEE PRINTS FOR SALE and SCULPTURES for sale or WALLBASED SCULPTURES. Enjoy an original artwork on your walls or perhaps one on your bed ARTnBED.
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