66. Its Raining Men & Art
THE ART OF RENOVATING You know it is really strange to be living without a roof over your head for a while, you see, we are renovating, putting another story on our house and to be able to achieve that the old roof had to go. So we have had live-in workmen here for the […]
61. Can Horses Write and Paint ?
ART AND HORSES We just received a Christmas card from the kids, nothing unusual about that I hear you say and you are so right – normally. It read “To Mum and Dad, Seasons greeting, Miss you both! Don’t worry we are getting lots of treats up in ‘dem dare hills. Love Zipper & Pringles. […]
52.Art & All Roads lead to Mallala
ART IN THE GRAVEYARD All roads lead to Mallala, is the name of this painting and when we first moved out to the country from the big “smoke” this is where we moved to, well nearly, 10 km from here, as you can see there is a lot that goes on in the country too […]
51. ART of Laughter is the best medicine mmm…. and maybe a little bit of snake
THE ART OF FRIENDSHIP My long time friend Debonella (my nickname for her) had her birthday this week, and although she lives in another state and we see each other very rarely, I still treasure our friendship and the mad times we had together and she is every bit as beautiful now as she was […]
45.Happy Hour & Art
ARTISTIC INSPIRATIONS Happy Hour or should I say NOT– as I tried writing this yesterday from poolside Happy Hour in Candi Dasa Bali, but you know how things are you have a sip or two of a nice cocktail and all your cares fly away and any thoughts of what you should be doing suddenly […]
41. Art & Collecting Cackleberries and Thank you Balaklava
(continuing blog from Tree Change to Sea Change , see story below) ARTISTS INSPIRATIONS There are other things we will miss very much and appreciate about living in the country too. In this painting called “Collecting Cackleberries” we are of course collecting the eggs, the four of us and every one of our chooks had […]
38. Little Birdy Floyd painting
BIRD PAINTINGS In this painting “Spring at last” is a sweet little bird named Floyd, a cockatiel whom we shared our life’s with for several years after Bryan and I got married. You see, at that stage we lived in an apartment and the rules were no pets. Well I think a bird did not […]
33. Art & Dont worry be happy
HAPPINESS THROUGH ART Well that is easier said than done sometimes isn’t it? For me it is something that I understood with time and to make oneself happy may not always be through art necessarily but I do think it comes from making a decision and getting absorb and involved in something other than our […]
28. ART & Sometimes its just about the little noises you hear
WRITING ART BLOGS As I was writing a art blog about another painting where I depicted us losing our false teeth while we were madly dancing, I was reminded about what happened to a good friend; she unfortunately had to have all her teeth removed at an early age and was made a set of […]
26.Looking for Lochy the painting
ARTISTIC INSPIRATION This painting “Looking for Lochy” was one I decided to do after seeing a doco on TV about a film crew who did just that, looked for Lochy the Lochness Monster in a submarine and I of course saw the whole image in front of me. Although I do know that tropical fish […]